
ROT-47 Data Encoder

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This browser-based utility encrypts the specified textual data using the ROT47 encryption algorithm. It shifts all input ASCII characters with ASCII codes from the range 33 to 126 by 47 positions and returns the ROT47 ciphertext. It's slightly better than ROT13 but still not very secure. Created by cryptonerds from team Browserling.
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What is a ROT-47 Data Encoder?

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This online utility encodes the input data using the ROT47 algorithm. The ROT47 cipher, which stands for "rotate by 47 places" is an extended version of the ROT13 cipher. The principle of operation of ROT47 is to cyclically shift the symbols by 47 positions to the right. Unlike ROT13, which encodes only lowercase and uppercase Latin letters (total of 26 symbols), ROT47 encodes all printable ASCII characters (total of 94 symbols). The first character in the ROT47 charset is "!" and the last character is "~". The advantage of ROT47 over ROT13 is that it can also encrypt numbers and punctuation marks. For example, to ROT47-encrypt the word "Hi5" the program replaces the 72nd ASCII letter "H" with the 119th (72 + 47) letter "w", the 105th letter "i" with the 58th (105 + 47 % 94) character ":", and the 53rd digit "5" with the 100th letter "d", and produces the result "w:d". An interesting fact about ROT47 is that applying the ROT47 encoding again to the already encoded data, such as "w:d", we get back the starting data "Hi5". In mathematical terms, ROT47 is its own inverse function. Cryptabulous!

ROT-47 Data Encoder examples

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ROT47 Encrypt a Quote
In this example, we encrypt a quote by Tony Robbins using the ROT-47 encryption scheme. All characters except spaces are replaced by their corresponding shifted ASCII table symbols. The shift width is 47 characters.
Your destiny is determined by the choices you make. Tony Robbins
*@FC 56DE:?J :D 56E6C>:?65 3J E96 49@:46D J@F >2<6] %@?J #@33:?D
Moon Landing
This example uses the ROT-47 cypher to scramble the Moon landing data. This cypher rotates all printable characters by 47 places and returns unreadable secret data. Unfortunately, the spaces and newlines are preserved as these characters are not in the ROT-47 encoding range 33 to 126. This shortcoming of ROT-47 leaks the physical structure (positions of words and lines) of the data.
Date: July 20, 1969. Spaceflight: Apollo 11. Destination: the Moon.
s2E6i yF=J a_[ `heh] $A2467=:89Ei pA@==@ ``] s6DE:?2E:@?i E96 |@@?]
Pro tips Master online crypto tools
You can pass input to this tool via ?input query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!
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Quickly encrypt data using the ROT47 substitution cipher.
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Quickly count words in the given text and print their distribution.
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Generate Cousin Primes
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Check Prime Numbers
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Replace Message Alphabet
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Calculate Text Entropy
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Generate High Entropy Data
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Generate Low Entropy Data
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Analyze Random Data
Perform statistical analysis of random data.