
ROT-13 Data Decoder

World's simplest crypto tool
This browser-based utility undoes ROT13 and decrypts data that was previously encrypted with the ROT13 substitution cipher. The decryption is performed by unshifting the input text by minus 13 characters and you get plain text in the output. Created by cryptonerds from team Browserling.
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What is a ROT-13 Data Decoder?

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This online utility decodes textual data that was earlier encrypted with the (weak) ROT13 encryption algorithm. This algorithm is a simple substitution-based method for obfuscating data. It's commonly used in online chat rooms and forums as a quick way to hide or obscure offensive comments, hints, spoilers, and punchlines. ROT13 is short for "rotate 13 places" and it's a variant of a Caesar cipher. The original Caesar algorithm shifted text by 3 positions but ROT13 shifts it by 13.

ROT-13 Data Decoder examples

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Hidden Treasure
This example deobfuscates a message left by pirates to the hidden treasure. Now we know where to look for it!
Gur gernfher vf uvqqra uvture guna svir gubhfnaq srrg nobir frn yriry.
The treasure is hidden higher than five thousand feet above sea level.
Digits Don't Work
In this example, we demonstrate that decrypting ROT13 data that contains digits has no effect as digits don't get rotated and stay static.
2000/04/14 ng 7:30nz
2000/04/14 at 7:30am
Pro tips Master online crypto tools
You can pass input to this tool via ?input query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!
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Quickly encrypt data using the ROT13 substitution cipher.
Quickly decrypt data that was encrypted with ROT13.
Quickly encrypt data using the ROT47 substitution cipher.
Quickly undo ROT47 encryption and find the original message.
Quickly count letters in the given text and print their distribution.
Quickly count words in the given text and print their distribution.
Coming soon These crypto tools are on the way
ROT-2 Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt numbers using ROT2 cypher.
ROT-5 Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt numbers using ROT5 cypher.
ROT-n Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt numbers using custom ROT cypher.
Base26 Encode/Decode
Encode and decode data to/from base26 encoding.
Base32 Encode/Decode
Encode and decode data to/from base32 encoding.
Base58 Encode/Decode
Encode and decode data to/from base58 encoding.
Base62 Encode/Decode
Encode and decode data to/from base62 encoding.
Base64 Encode/Decode
Encode and decode data to/from base64 encoding.
ASCII85 Encode/Decode
Encode and decode data to/from ASCII85 encoding.
XOR Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the XOR algorithm.
AES Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the AES algorithm.
RC2 Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the RC2 algorithm.
RC4 Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the RC4 algorithm.
RC5 Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the RC5 algorithm.
RC6 Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the RC6 algorithm.
Akelarre Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the Akelarre algorithm.
Ake98 Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the Ake98 algorithm.
DES Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the DES algorithm.
Triple DES Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the 3DES algorithm.
Rabbit Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the Rabbit cipher.
Blowfish Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the Blowfish cipher.
Twofish Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the Twofish cipher.
KASUMI Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the KASUMI cipher.
Serpent Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the Serpent cipher.
Solitaire Encrypt/Decrypt
Encrypt and decrypt data using the Solitaire cipher.
Break a Substitution Cipher
Decode text encrypted with a simple substitution cipher.
Generate Random Numbers
Print a list of random numbers.
Generate Primes
Print a list of prime numbers.
Generate Twin Primes
Print a list of twin prime numbers.
Generate Cousin Primes
Print a list of cousin prime numbers.
Generate Prime Triplets
Print a list of prime triplets.
Generate Random Primes
Print a list of random prime numbers.
Check Prime Numbers
Check if the given numbers are prime numbers.
Create Random Passwords
Generate one or more random passwords.
Replace Message Alphabet
Rewrite the given message with a new alphabet.
Calculate Text Entropy
Compute the Shannon entropy of the given message.
Generate High Entropy Data
Create text with high Shannon entropy.
Generate Low Entropy Data
Create text with low Shannon entropy.
Analyze Random Data
Perform statistical analysis of random data.